JOS began a new way of working in March 2020 in response to the restrictions on travel that forced a temporary halt to our regular face to face workshops during the Covid 19 Pandemic.
JOS Creative Director, William Longden, instigated the program, and, using JOS specific inclusive approaches, led the co-devising and training of the JOS team by working inclusively with our volunteers, disabled project participants and their support networks, to set up, host and develop the ongoing work using the Zoom platform.
The Ever New Stories series features:
“Our Street“.
The Creative Writing series includes:
“Creative Writing for Wellbeing”
“Creative Prose and Poetry Covid Legacy Project“.
The work from the Covid Legacy Project was compiled into a printed book, “Connecting the Distance” launched in 2022
– please contact us to obtain a copy.
This is a series of contemporary tales and adventures inspired by people’s experience of the first lockdown of 2020. The project was funded by the Lambeth Council Covid 19 Fund and The Walcot Foundation in partnership with The London Community Response, and the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity.
Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the stories.
The pictures in these stories were all coloured in by our participants – but you can do your own!
At the end of each story you will find black and white drawings that you can print and colour in by hand, or save and colour in on a computer.
For help on how to do this please email
Many of Joy of Sound’s participants come from different countries all over the world. These stories explore and celebrate their rich heritage and cultures. Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the stories.
In these stories we celebrate the outstanding qualities and natural gifts of our JOS participants, how they influence and uplift the people around them by sharing their unique perspectives on life. Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the stories.
This project was made possible by funding from: The Walcot Foundation and Lambeth Borough Council
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This series is about where we live, the people around us, getting around – our day-to-day lives, and discussing how the environment could be improved – and featuring visitors from Aussie Earthworms to Circus Dinos to our Finnish Postie.
Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the stories.
The stories in this series come from simply suggesting ‘What if?’, sometimes about domestic scenes, people’s day-to-day life, sometimes about exotic adventures or fantastical creatures.
Creative Writing for Wellbeing was funded by a United Way UK Give Local Covid 19 Response grant and The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity, for the benefit of disabled participants and participants facing mental health challenges. The prose pieces and poems were co-produced between August – October 2020. The topics and themes were suggested by participants during lively creative exchanges at inclusive Zoom sessions. Each session’s combined group inputs were then combined into finished compositions by the group’s elected writers with illustrations by Sophie Skach.
You can download the collection here
The finished compositions were then produced as audio-visual presentations with music, soundtrack and narration
Video and sound by Mark Smith; Narration by Katerina Jugati and Matthew Coulton.
Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the videos.
Click here to see contributors and full credits
Session Contributors
Lulu, Sadia, Gill and Peter; Ricky, Patrick, Sharon and Jane; Hatice, Alev, Kezia and Yaya; Lisa, Luca, Loretana, Gino, Maya, Luigi and Barbara; Tina, Paula, Aly, Esther, Rose and Cynthia; Suzie and Anabel; Olamide, Georgetta, Julie, Charles and Toyia; Iona, Sayano, Charlie and Zofia; Gevohn and Lizbeth; Leon and Olu; Audie; Kristina, Crista and Koshi; Andre and Tina; Sophie and Evalina; George and Adrien; Sophia and Victoria; Martha, Paula and Maureen; Peter and Craig; Judith and Arnold; Oliver; Julie; Arthur; Frederic; Pam
For Joy of Sound:
Lead Host Facilitator: William Longden
Co-Hosts and Transcribers: Morgan, Elizabeth, Chris, Gala, Anna
Text Editors: Nick Onley, Jos Jackson
JOS Volunteers; Vesna, Charlie, Hossein, Nico, Terry
Finished compositions by: Shenan, Wendy, Ferisa, Felicia, Chris, Morgan
Main Illustrator: Sophie Skach
Contributing Illustrators: Barnie, Christina, Katie
Audio-visual presentation by: Mark Smith
Narration by: Katerina Jugati and Matthew Coulton
This project was made possible by funding from: United Way UK and The Goldsmiths Company.
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These poems and prose pieces were co-produced toward the Joy of Sound Inclusive Creative Covid19 Legacy Project, run between November 2020 – March 2021, funded by HM Government’s Coronavirus Community Support Fund in partnership with The National Lottery Community fund.
The themes, responding to the Covid pandemic, were suggested by participants during initial creative exchanges in November 2020, and expanded and developed through lively interaction in inclusive Zoom sessions. Each session’s group inputs were then combined into finished compositions by the group’s elected writers.
Separate bespoke one-to-one sessions were conducted with individual writers.
The finished compositions were then produced as audio-visual presentations with music soundtracks produced by several invited composers, and narration added.
All the illustrations were created through collage technique by Shane Wheatcroft.
Click on the thumbnail pictures to view the videos.
Zoomers by Vesna Marich;. Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Lisa’s Pizza by Lisa Contucci; Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Excitement by Karen Morgan; Music track: Donato S; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Truth by Nico Pollen; Music track: Marky D; Narration: Matthew Coulton
2020 Vision by Harry Franceschi; Music track: Harry Franceschi; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Inside Outside by Nick Onley; Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Katerina Jugati
There is a Garden by Una Predanic & Vesna Marich; Music track Donato S; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Lost Hours by Marica Maca Prelec; Music track: Marky D; Narration: Katerina Jugati
The Forest Is Alive by Zoe Kumaramangalam; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Neighbours by Shenan Chandler; Music track: Marky D; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Corona Conversation by Bil Mladen; Music track: Matteo Boyero, MC Brass Section; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Exploring Inner Worlds by Gala Mironiouk; Narration: Matthew Coulton
A Poem By Nonsense by Tom Rees; Music track: Matteo Boyero; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Bonsaing A Life by Vessna Urosevic; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Ryan Is Going On A journey Without Us by Angela Contucci; Music track: Marky D; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Hobby by Gala Mironiouk; Narration: Katerina Jugati and Matthew Coulton
Stuck by Selom Awzad; Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Karen Morgan
A Lockdown Recollection by Jen Fone; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Dance of the Phoenix by Galya Kalichin; Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Missing by Gala Mironiouk and Karen Morgan; Music track: Harriet Einsiedel; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Smile Laughter Happiness by Vessna Urosevic; Music track: Marky D; Narration: Katerina Jugati
Salad by Mussi and Mandi; Narration: Matthew Coulton
Strength by Karen Morgan; Narration: Matthew Coulton
First of March by Boris Deganuto; Music track: Chris Leeds; Narration: Katerina Jugati
All illustrations by Shane Wheatcroft
Session Contributors
Thank you to all session collaborators:
Ricky, Sharon, Leon, Gehvon, Suzie, Vesna U, Shenan C, ,Paula, Peggy, Chanelle, Tina, Hatice, Flora, Enyola, Alev, Ricardo, Rosie, Divine, Irene, Elizabeth, Mussi, Luke, Mandy, Gala, Vesna M, Shane , Nick, Angie, Paul, Cynthia, Muriel, Elisa, Muella, Paul, Zoe, Nico, Iona, Sayaro, Zofia, Lisa, Liz, Edna, Julian, Hossein, Terry, Jyin, Audie, Abegail, Agnes, Anita, Esther, Paul W, Ryan, Olu, Moses, Oytoseau, Morgan, Tom, Katherine, Jen, Peter, Kesia, Gouri.
For Joy of Sound:
Lead Host Facilitator: Karen Morgan
Co-Hosts, Transcribers, Editors: Angela, Vesna, Gala, Nick, Elizabeth
JOS Volunteers; Vesna, Hossein, Nico, Terry, Gala
Digital Formatting: Chris Leeds
Illustrations: Shane Wheatcroft
Audio-visual presentation by: Mark Smith
Narration by: Katerina Jugati and Matthew Coulton
This project was made possible by funding from: HM Government’s Coronavirus Community Support Fund, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund.
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