New JOS Album Out Today


“Gurgle in an elephant’s belly”


A 1 hour long track of deeply meditative music made by the Joy of Sound released for the 20th Anniversary of Joy of Sound.


Please make yourself comfortable, sit back and listen to this 1hour continuous track that weaves an inclusive sonic journey through time and space towards your delight and wonderment.

Two years in the making and undeterred by covid-19 restrictions, this epic work has been produced in acknowledgement and appreciation of each and every one of the many thousands of creative individuals who have contributed to JOS’ legacy of inclusive participatory community music making since January 2000.

The Album demonstrates how JOS’ live improvisational approaches can be readily applied with the same vital spirit and energy to the playing, recording and production of an original, remarkable and moving music of shared atmospheres, emotions and embodied expression.

Rising and falling, flowing to cascade, gently whispered, and in shared voice resounding with a profound and seriously playful joy that gives colour, texture, and a freedom of creative expression particular to JOS inclusive aesthetic.

Available to download or stream from one of these platforms of your choice :

Released by Whaever Records, July 30, 2021
Co produced by Joy of Sound, William Longden and Matteo Boyero
Mixed and edited by Matteo Boyero
Featuring the participation of  over 300 JOS session participants and associate musicians
Mastered by Peter Soldan at Studio Dada (Brussels)
Design by Basile Carel

JOS Open air music session at the Pavilion

photos of JOS session at Powis Square Pavilion showing musicians playing under a canopy on a hot sunshiney day

Dear JOS Friends

We had a great time at our first live music event

of 2021 at The Pavilion a specially made open air community performance  and workshop space near Portobello Road in Kensington Powis Square

Well wishes

Angela and The Team

National Lottery Tribute Bench to Dr William Longden

photo of some of the JOS team at the dedication of the award in the form of a bench

Dr William Longden, JOS founding creative director has been honoured with a unique, handcrafted bench designed by the country’s most famous furniture restorer and eco-designer Jay Blades – of  the popular TV program The Repair Shop.

William,  multi-modal artist,  musicologist, researcher and advocate for Inclusive Society founded Joy Of Sound 20 years ago to deliver inclusive community music sessions using bespoke music instruments and inclusive approaches that facilitate access to music making for people of all ages and ability. One of 13 creative community catalysts across the UK recognised for their commitment to supporting some of the most vulnerable people  during the pandemic, with thanks to National Lottery funding.  

 ‘Joy of Sound’ volunteers have offered a program of weekly workshops around London, UK wide and  internationally  since January 2000. When face-to-face workshops halted at the start of the C19 pandemic, William’s creative direction of the JOS team ensured that JOS beneficiaries, their familial and professional caregivers, and JOS volunteers could continue to provide, and participate in creative activities toward their sustained wellbeing. William worked with project participants and volunteers to devise and instigate a programme of inclusive participatory online workshops, initially running three a week, before expanding to six different sessions a week. Visit for current workshops and events that include the release of JOS’ 20th Anniversary Album that offers an amazing insight into 20 years of Inclusive Participatpry Community Music making. 

William’s bench is installed at a beautiful and accessible location on Hackney Marshes.  It is emblazoned with the poignant quote “We Can All Play” in recognition of the fact that co-creative play as a method of interactive improvisation offers a universally accessible aesthetic that brings equal benefit to all participants by embracing all forms of ‘difference’ as creative potential towards personal and social wellbeing and development. An in-built QR code will allow visitors to the bench to listen to an audio recording of Jay Blades regaling William’s story.

Thank you to All JOS participants and volunteers for your part in achieving this Award that acknowledges the Joy of Sound as an ongoing source of inspiration towards a more inclusive and equitable creative society.    

Find out more about how The National Lottery is celebrating the work done by people across the UK, visit

Virtual Lambeth Country Show 2021- Ever-new story Creating- Sunday 18th July – 2-3pm!!

 Greetings Dear JOS Ever-New Story Creators!

 Come join us and be part of the Virtual Jamboree at


 The Lambeth Country Show 2021!!


JOS Zoom Ever-New Story Creating session


THIS SUNDAY 18TH JULY – 2pm till 3pm

A word, a movement, a sound, a look….
Everything counts in making a new story.

Please contact Anna to book your place in advance email:

Session will be hosted by Anna, Chris, Maria and friends
illustrated by Maria Tashkinova<>
1hour ZOOM-sessions to connect, energise and create unique stories together 
TO JOIN: you need a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
The bigger your screen, the better.
You need to install ‘Zoom’ Application (Free)

ZOOM Links  to come closer to event!

Virtual Lambeth Country Show 2021!- Musical Games Song & Sign- Saturday 17th July at 2-3pm!!

Dear Joy of Sound friends


We are pleased to invite you to join us at the


Virtual Lambeth Country Show 

for a play-filled hour of



THIS SATURDAY 17th JULY at 2pm till 3pm


People of all ages and ability are welcome!

Please share this information with any friends that would be interested.

Please contact Angela to book yourself and your friends a place in advance


Angela’s email:




To join the session, you will need access to either – a computer/ laptop/ a tablet /or a smart phone and you will need to install ‘Zoom’

Zoom Application is Free, and easy to download – If you have any problems just call me and I will be happy to assist.

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